Best Western Premier Kaiserhof, Vienna

Best Western Premier Kaiserhof Ratings & Customer Feedback
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Package - what's included - what's included & available - what's included plus available extras - what's included & what extras are available

Bed & Breakfast
Ferry Included
No Transfers

Overview - hotel description - Best Western Premier Kaiserhof description

In a central Vienna location, the opulently designed Hotel Kaiserhof is furnished in classic style. You are within walking distance of the State Opera House, the Ringstrasse and other major sights.

Visit the elegant lounge with bar and the large buffet breakfast room. You are short stroll away the Secession art building, Ringstrasse Boulevard, the vibrant Naschmarkt with trendy bars and cafés and many luxury shopping districts. Bedrooms have a traditional feel with high levels of comfort.

Facilities - Best Western Premier Kaiserhof features

  • Breakfast room
  • Conservatory, small gym
  • Sauna and steam room ( Free )
  • Wi-Fi ( Free )
  • 2 Lifts
  • Bar
  • Lounge area
  • Gym
  • Sauna
  • Steam room
  • WiFi

Room Types - bathrooms beds & sleeping

  • No. of rooms: 74
  • No. of buildings: 1
  • No. of floors: 5



  • Official rating: 4


  • 18-20m² elegant ‘Petit’ Austrian twins have bath or shower.
  • 20-23m² ‘classic’ rooms have bath with showerhead
  • Single rooms and have bath or shower
  • All rooms have cable TV, telephone, radio, safe, hairdryer, minibar, air-conditioning, free Wi-Fi and tea and coffee making facilities

Bedroom facilities

  • Availability of a cot
  • Hairdryer
  • Minibar or fridge
  • Wireless internet
  • Lift accessible: Yes
  • Lift serves all floors: Yes
  • Access ramp: No

Meals - food and drink in Best Western Premier Kaiserhof

  • Hot & cold buffet breakfast including a glass of Austrian sparkling wine.
  • Special diets catered for.
  • No of restaurants: 1
  • Dress code for restaurants:


  • Breakfast service:


Board basis options available

  • Bed & Breakfast

This property caters for the following special dietary requirements

  • Diabetics - Insulin can be stored
  • Gluten Free
  • Vegans
  • Vegetarians
We update Best Western Premier Kaiserhof's details often, but facilities do change. e.g. some extras listed by the supplier as "free" or included might only be for the first time you use them, or for one time per party, then charged for further use. If any specific feature is essential to your holiday, make sure you ask us to confirm the details of it before you book your holiday.

Availability - dates & airports - dates & departure airports - hotel dates & departure airports - Best Western Premier Kaiserhof dates & departure airports

Price per person with: Prices shown are per person based on: Prices shown are per person based on: The prices shown here are per person and based on the following criteria:
Sat 27 Jul 202427/07/24
Sold Out 
Wed 31 Jul 202431/07/24
Sold Out 
Sat 03 Aug 202403/08/24
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Sat 10 Aug 202410/08/24
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Wed 14 Aug 202414/08/24
Sat 17 Aug 202417/08/24
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Sat 24 Aug 202424/08/24
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Wed 28 Aug 202428/08/24
Sat 31 Aug 202431/08/24
available Heathrow
Wed 04 Sep 202404/09/24
Sold Out 
Sat 07 Sep 202407/09/24
available Gatwick, Heathrow
Wed 11 Sep 202411/09/24
Sat 14 Sep 202414/09/24
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Wed 18 Sep 202418/09/24
Sold Out 
Sat 21 Sep 202421/09/24
Sold Out 
Wed 25 Sep 202425/09/24
Sold Out 
This package holiday to Best Western Premier Kaiserhof in Vienna, Austria departs Wednesday 28th August 2024, for a 3 night stay on a "bed & breakfast" board basis. A local tourist tax (Taxe de Sejour or Kurtaxe) is levied by many councils in European resorts. It varies by standard and type of accommodation and is age dependent, so not everyone is charged. It's not included in the basic price of your holiday and is usually paid locally. For reference, the average charged in winter 15/16 was between 50p and £2 per person, per night.

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Hotel Post Vienna Austria, Dover Ferry 28th August.
From £546pp

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