Hotel Cristallo Reviews

1 review of Hotel Cristallo in Katschberg, Austria.

Voted 1st out of 2 reviewed hotels in Katschberg Austria

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George Bradley from Rotherham has written 2 reviews and been voted helpful 7 times

Fantastic food, great family hotel

Reviewed 25 Apr 2014

The hotel is big and has an older part to it as well as a newer part: if you can, try and be sure you get a room in the newer part as the rooms in the old section weren’t brilliant. We ended up having some of the family in one part and the rest in the other, I was alright because I was in the new part where the rooms were really nice and modern, but in the older bit, the rooms were quite cold and dated (still clean though).
The rest of the hotel – reception, foyer etc is big, spacious and modern. There’s lots of glass so you have lots of nice outlook. There’s even a ski hire shop in the hotel (although Katschberg is such a tiny place that if it wasn’t in the hotel, it would only ever be a few metres away!).
The food was fantastic – we had all inclusive and the hotel is in the perfect position to ski down straight into the boot room for the buffet lunch.
They had good facilities for kids and there were lots of other families staying there besides ours. They did have childcare but we didn’t use it (there’s a crèche and play area) and the menu was great for children – the kids were loving it. The only drawback for families/beginners: the blue slope outside the hotel is the one everyone uses to get down and they have lessons there as well, so it gets really busy (I actually thought to the point of being too dangerous). Your only other options are red runs, so if you're a novice, the ski runs going back to the hotel aren’t suitable.

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