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La Thuile Child Care

La Thuile Babysitters - evening childcare

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La Thuile Kids Clubs & Ski School

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La Thuile Private Holiday Tutors

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Childcare in La Thuile, Italy

La Thuile day and evening care plus snow ski schools and babysitting.

Children aged four to twelve can join the Miniclub per Bambini based at Planibel which has a snow garden for the younger ones to enjoy. The Club is provided free to everybody and operates for three hours morning and three hours in the afternoon. There is also another Kindergarten, "Il Grande Albero", for children up to the age of three years. For under fours a list of babysitters is available from the tourist office. In common with other Italian resorts children receive no discount on the adult ski school price and only a 20% discount (approximately) on the adult lift ticket price, unless they are under 6, in which case they can get a free pass provided an adult purchases one of the same duration. Planibel is certainly a good choice for families with the ease of access to all facilities on the slopes and off, family friendly apartment style accommodation, the swimming pool and the Mini Club. La Thuile as a whole has a good number of reasonably priced family friendly places to eat, so long as you're as happy with Italian food as most of the world's population.

4 stars out of 5 overall    

Kids' facilities and care in Italian resorts close to La Thuile

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