2 Guests

Itter Snow Report

Itter has average snow depth of cm.

Conditions: "".

View conditions on Itter live webcams. Read the Forecast, or research monthly averages with our Historical data.
Average Depth: cm

Itter Snow Report -

New snowfall: Itter accumulation & what's predicted today.

New Snow Fall

ski area average


Last Snowfall Date

most recent new snow

Base Snow Depth

altitude m


Top Snow Depth

altitude m


Snow Conditions

surface condition for skiing


amount forecast today


New Precipitation in Itter

The most recent dump in this resort in Austria was cm on - current conditions are described as "".

Base Depth

The bottom of the piste lies at an altitude of metres - the latest report indicates depth at this altitude is centimetres.

Summit Depth

The top lift station lies at metres altitude - measurments indicate that current depth at the top of the lift served skiable terrain is centimetres.

Forecast Today

There are centimetres of new snow forecast today on the Itter ski area.

data is from predictions and forecasting run

Itter Ski Report

Ski area, lift status and skiing conditions expected today.

Ski Area / Ski Lifts

lift status & area open



can you see hazards?

Skiing Conditions

weather forecast today in Itter


Itter Summit

ski and snowboard conditions at the top of Itter ski area

summit min °C
wind speed kph

Itter Lift Status

Approximately percent of Itter lifts and trails will be open today.

Visibility in Itter

Affects your ability to see & avoid obstacles like other skiers, negotiate bumps & moguls or avoid dangers such as piste & cliff edges on piste... and crevasses off-piste!

Itter Skiing Weather

Precipitation and cloud cover plus max day temperature and minimum night temp.

Summit Conditions

Weather conditions are very different at the top of the Itter ski area - go equipped for comfort & safety on the whole mountain.

Conditions in Resorts Nearby

Find snow close to Itter with these nearby reports.

Resort Top Depth
Base Depth
New Snow
Current Conditions More Today?

More Information & Resources

Natural and man made fresh powder in this Austrian resort.

The average annual snowfall in Itter is ? centimetres each year.

Natural powder is augmented with ? cannons or "snow guns" along ?km of piste which equates to approximately ?% of all Itter runs.

Off-piste skiing and snowboarding is not permitted which helps to concentrate the wear and tear on conditions onto the patrolled trails.

Local Resources

You can get the latest Itter report and forecast free on your mobile phone by visiting our mobile website.

You can also call the Itter Information phone number ? to hear their report in these languages: ?.

Slope Orientation

The slopes in the Itter domain face in these directions: N S E W

Top Tips:

In the coldest winter months of January and February you'll be grateful for a resort with South facing ski areas, which offer some welcome light and warmth in the depths of a mountain winter.

In the warmest spring months of April and May, you'll find the best (ie not slushy) riding is to be had on the cooler and shady North facing trails.

Itter rating for snow quality is ? stars out of 5 overall

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